In the Spirit of ThanksGIVING
2:09 PMThanksGiving
Keyfood is Giving Back
In the Spirit of Thanksgiving- we wanted to highlight a company that really gives back- Keyfood.
Giving Back to the Customers
This year was Keyfood's 75th Anniversary- In honor of 75 years of business they decided to treat their customers.
At each event they gave out FREE hot dogs, hamburgers, popcorn, ice cream and other fun foods to their customers. Event Kings cooked and served the food, but all food was supplied by Keyfood.
Keyfood also gave back to the community in another big way. Twice a year Keyfood holds a large Food Showcase. Keyfood Stores and Vendors bring in their food products to showcase and take orders for future seasons. At the end of the events there is always an excess of food left over. Keyfood and the Vendors donate all excess food to Island Harvest to fight hunger.
Go Keyfood! Keep up the Great Work-
Thanksgiving is a great time to help out the people in need. And many people can't afford to buy a Turkey for Thanksgiving.
If you would like to donate to Island Harvest go to Island Harvest or
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Event Kings