Bill Ritter

Event Trend- Photo Booths

2:22 PM

Event Trend: Photo Fun
Photo Stations, Photo Booths, & More

The newest trend at Events is Photo Booths & Photo Stations- and they are a real BLAST! There are so many different types of photo opps for events recently, that its hard to choose which one you want.

Our latest tradition here at Event Kings is to take a picture in every Photo Station/ Booth we have at each event.

Take a Look...

Digital Photo Station- Rockefeller Center Background
Featuring: Terry & Lisa

Holiday Wonderland Photo Station with Santa... Oh and Bill Ritter!
Featuring: Terr, Bill Ritter & Santa

Custom Background Photo Station- Cruise Theme
Featuring: Terry, Catherine & Lisa

Strip Photo Booth- Customized Last Picture to show Client's Logo
Featuring: Terry, Catherine & Lisa

Photo Station- Rolling Stone Magazine Cover- with Lady Gaga Impersonator
Featuring:Riki & Lady Gaga Impersonator

Photo Station- Nasdaq & Times Square Background
Featuring: Steven

Custom Background Photo Booth
Featuring: Riki & Lisa

Strip Photo Booth- Color & Black and White
Featuring: Catherine & Tiffany (Her Friend)

 Looking through all these pictures, you can see how much fun these photo options really are. Or better yet, don't take our word for it- rent one for your next event.

Event Kings

Before and After

Event Transformation

11:52 AM

Before & After
Event Transformation

Our very own Terry Vogel had a brilliant idea last week at one of our Corporate Holiday Events-
She suggested we show Before & After shots of the venue we were at to show how we can transform any space into a gorgeous Event.

We are constantly talking about how Museums make great Event Spaces, and this is a perfect example. This past week we were at The Cradle of Aviation in Garden City for a Corporate Holiday Event.

With a little help from the Cradle, and our wonderful staff- we really made the difference in the event.

Looking Down From 2nd Floor:


General Space:

Looking At Front Doors & Stage:

View From Back of Room:

Just A Few Others From the Event:

Surprise GOBO for the Client

Inner Lit Birch Centerpieces with Icicles

Live Musicians: 
Saxophonist, Percussionist, Violinist & Rat Pack Singer- All Chiming in with the DJ

And... SANTA! & His Elf

Event Kings can transform any space, whether a  Museum or Blank Venue into a beautiful Event. If you are craving more pictures of our Events, go see our NEW Website - EventKingsNY.com

Did we mention that we visit the Venue where you Event will be held to visualize and map out the decor and entertainment we are supplying... and it is totally complimentary when you book with us.

Event Kings

Birch Centerpieces

Centerpieces Sans Flowers

12:05 PM

The Non- Flower Centerpieces
Birch, Willow, Feathers- and OK Maybe a few flowers

With one of our sub-divisions being a florist- King Lily Floral Designs, we absolutely LOVE flowers. However, being a Total Event Company, we recognize that there are times when flowers are not the answer. A centerpiece can  still be striking and captivating without a single flower. 

Winter Events are the best example for Centerpieces Sans Flowers. To portray the wintry theme we think snow, berries, birch, and more snow! Hey- We ARE Based in NY

Below are some images from centerpieces we provided at a recent Holiday Event. Birch is the main attraction in this piece, with accents of gold, Burgundy berries & pine cones.

Here is birch in a more Glam setting- with hanging icicles.

Birch is not the ONLY option for a Flowerless Centerpiece- Another one of our favorite is Curly Willow. While Birch carries the traditional winter look, Curly willow can be used all year long.

Below are some images from a Money Themed 50th Birthday & A Pink Glam Wedding. Okay, there are a few flowers in there- but just used as a highlight to the piece.

And don't forget about the Feathers! Feathers are a fun way to add a different texture to a centerpiece. Here we added a few rose petals in the vase- but if you're looking for something totally Flower Free- there are many things that could add color in the vase.

If you are craving something different than flowers for your Holiday Event- than these pieces are the way to go.  Let Event Kings & King Lily Floral come up with a piece that suites your theme and your budget too!

Event Kings

Conference Coordination

Destination Conferences

6:02 PM

Destination Conferences & Meetings

Every year we scout out a new City to hold a constantly growing conference, for a very special client of ours. Last year we packed up and flew down to the Windy City- Chicago, for 4 days and 3 nights of conferences, meetings & One Heck of a Great Dinner!

While the conference and meetings took place at the Fairmont Chicago, we knew the guests needed to get out of the hotel for the Dinner Reception.

The Dinner was held at the Museum of Science and Industry. What a fun & interesting venue!
**Museums are one of the newest Event Venue Trends- Stay Tuned for a blog all about it!**

Guests consumed a great meal and then spent the rest of the evening running around the Hands On museum having fun.

We even had to tell the CEO that it was time to leave and he had to get off the Human Sized Hamster Wheel.

With the Museum being such a success last year- we focused this years research in the same direction. This year held in Philadelphia, we chose the Franklin Institute.

The Franklin Institute is the perfect blend of history and excitement. While the Giant statue of Benjamin Franklin will hold the Dinner, there is also a museum section where guests can play and learn about US History and things like the Human Body.

Event Kings doesn't only plan your wedding or corporate holiday party, we tackle those big conferences with ease.

We do all the research for you- even take you on site visits to each venue, and let you pick the best fit for your crowd. We will take care of all the contracts and vendors- We will even  run your itinerary so you can concentrate on the more important things.

Let us help you run your next corporate conference- Big or Small, New York or California, Onsite or At a Venue. Let the professionals do all the work and relieve you of some serious stress.


Bull Frog

Event Kings New Website

12:58 PM

New Website!

We have been working on creating a new website for the past month or so. After a lot of hard work by our team and Bull Frog (The genius people who created this beautiful piece of artwork) the new site is Up & Running!

 Event Kings New Site

Go and Check It Out! And we always love feedback- so please leave us some comments on our FB Page- www.facebook.com/eventkings

Thanks Again to Bull Frog!

Corporate Events

Event Tip of the Week

10:42 AM

Event Tip:
Post Holiday- Holiday Events

It's that time of the year that companies are planning their Holiday Parties. It is a mad rush from now until December 23rd- And you could use a little stress free help from Event Planners.

Event Tip: Plan your Holiday Party for after the New Year.

  - Your guests will be able to enjoy the party more that the Holiday Craziness is OVER.
  - Prices are way cheaper in January, and you are more likely to get more for your money.
  - After the Holidays are over, and it is just winter with nothing to look forward to- this will brighten everyone's attitude

Now, we know you all wouldn't like a Holiday Party in January-

So for those last minute planners, there are still some great venues with open dates & we can help you plan the rest of your event to make your company's Holiday Party the talk of the year!

Call us- Only a few more weeks left of the Holiday Madness!!
631-392-1234  oEventKingsNY.com


Gobble, Gobble

2:00 PM

Happy Thanksgiving!
From Event Kings

This is the perfect time for you to try out your own Event Planning Skills.
There can be so many opportunities to play with different linens, centerpieces, seating cards, cupcakes, and more.  Below are just some ideas from us & some of our favorite blogs.

Here is a beautiful Cornucopia Centerpiece from King Lily Floral- the perfect piece to place in the middle of your table for your Thanksgiving Dinner.

 One of our FAVORITE Blogs- Hostess with the Mostess  posted a beautiful blog all about thanksgiving ideas.

Another one of our favorite bloggers- Hello Cupcake! , posted this idea for Indian Corn Cupcakes. Great idea- and a lot of fun to make.

The internet is a great place, and it is filled with ideas for all different things. Save yourself some time trying to come up with something yourself- and just google it. 

Base your Thanksgiving off of a bunch of different ideas, and just tweak it to make it your own.

Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!